Saturday, 9 January 2016

I fell in love...

I'm posting after a long time. With this post I mark a new beginning! YAY! This is because I have finally been able to get my mind fixed on what i want. I'll write about that in some other post, but now lemme write on the topic i want to. Well actually this is a topic I've previously discussed, but this time I'll speak for the topic.So, people when they speak of love they normally think love as in the feeling which makes you like your significant another. Yet, hello? Love doesn't only mean love between lovers or spouses. If you ask me, I have another version of love going on inside of my head. Let me tell you the meaning of love, through my eyes.
Love? Well I have fallen in love 5, no uncountable times. I did fall for that guy who was oh-so-perfect!, but I didn't stop there. No, I didn't fall for that guy, who is every girls' dream. I fell in love with the woman who gave me birth, and will care for me till the end of the time, yes my mother. I love that man, my dad, who gave me the title of princess. I fell for the dadu who got angry each time i got scolded, i even fell for those grandparents i never met. I fell for all the relatives, who spoiled me, loved me like anything. I fell for that crazy bitch, I call my best friend, who saved me form a miserable life and played the most significant role in my life. I fell for all those friends, who knew what i want and why, even when I remained silent. I fell for all those memories of my childhood. I fell for my nephews and nieces, who kept the child inside me alive. I am in love with that unknown girl who aided that poor little street dog's wound, or that person who gave the homeless some help. I love that stranger who gave his money to the orphanage or the old-age home. I love the soldiers at every corner, who know about the horrors of war yet are ready to fight for their country's safety. I fell in love with people of my country every time they made me proud to be an Indian. I fell in love with everyone, who have done selfless acts. I also fell in love with some material goods, which obviously remind me of the ones or things I love.
 I did fall in love numerous times, and I'll continue to cause you don't need your romantic partner to fall in love. If you open your eyes and look around you'll find numerous things to fall in love with. 

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